Wednesday, July 04, 2007

July 4th, 2007

Well it has almost been a month since we were prayed over and sent by the Kaufman Church of Christ to begin our journey with New River in Forney. A lot has happened in a month.

Just an update of where we are and what is going on.

* We had a team retreat 3 weeks ago that encouraged and prepared us for the road ahead. It also brought us closer together as we had a time of confession and prayed over one another.

* We began our house churches with one being at Rusty & Alane Abrams home and the other at our home. The reason our house churches are so important to us is because we deeply desire to build our church with evangelism of lost and unchurched people.

* We had 12 unchurched people in our house churches this past Sunday, July 1st. We have passed out invitation cards to people all over our community inviting them to be a part of New River.

* God has provided us a wonderful place to meet on Sunday mornings. Forney has a new indoor sports arena called Premier Sports. It has 3 indoor soccer fields and batting cages with a big meeting room they are letting us rent for $150.00 per week. Our leadership team met there 2 weeks ago and prayed over that room that it may be used to glorify and honor God.

* Directly behind Premier Sports is a large Apartment Complex where next week we will take door hangers and invitation cards to those residents.

* We had a fireworks cookout last night and had several of our families from New River attend to pop fireworks and eat hot dogs.


* We met a young lady named Stefani who is trying to turn her life around and have a new start. She has been involved in a very worldly lifestyle and needs prayers to turn her heart back to God.

* Please pray for our efforts at the apartments next week. Pray that we can find those who God is already working on their hearts to be part of His kingdom.

* Continue to pray for our patience. Planting a new church does not have an instant
gratification factor and we must realize we are not trying to build buildings but we are trying to help God build people; and that takes time.

I'm very thankful for all your prayers and ask you to remember us daily as we strive to serve God and teach the lost of the hope that lives in us.

May God bless you richly!!!


Psalm 46:4
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy place where the Most High dwells.


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